Logistics & Fulfilment

Specialized logistics solutions and fulfilment are essential for any fashion brand aiming to successfully expand into the European market. Europe boasts an extensive network of roads, seaports, railways and airports, yet not all European countries share the same capabilities or resources. Understanding the substantial differences within the EU is of critical importance. If you have customers all over Europe, choosing a country with strong connections as the starting point for your local European storage can be very beneficial. For example, many companies have chosen The Netherlands as their point of entry for establishing their European logistics. Especially for the fashion, sports and lifestyle industry, The Netherlands is a perfect location. It is the logistic gate to Europe with Rotterdam port and Amsterdam-Schiphol airport being main hubs, with fast connections throughout Europe and many fiscal advantages.

Gateway to Europe collaborates with partners competent in European logistics, especially within the fashion industry. They can assist you in devising strategies and setting up your company’s logistics for the European market. This service include logistics and fulfilment solutions, including distribution strategy, EU import arrangements, warehousing, storage, outbound and return processes, VAS (Value-added services), and transport.

In addition to logistics and fulfilment, we also provide the following services:

Marketing and Sales

Customs and VAT

Finance and credit management

Compliance & Regulations

To deliver this service, we have leveraged our extensive network of relations and contracts partnering with specialists throughout Europe, to offer you the best possible support.